Acai Berry and Weight Loss

Losing weight not only enhances your looks but also keeps you away from many health related disorders. Obesity brings many diseases such as diabetes, hyperetension and other obesity linked disorders.

Though balanced restricted diet and regular workout regime remain the first step in losing extra weight, but the effects of exercise and diet can be accelerated by using effective weight loss supplement.

An acai berry supplement is weight loss product that helps you shed those extra calories in a natural and safe way. Recently there has been much hype about the acai and weight loss association. Let us find it by ourselves how this miracle weight loss supplement works.

What is Acai Berry?

Acai Berries are the purple colored fruit that grow in Central and South America. People from Amazon have been using acai in dishes, shakes and drinks for years.

Studies about Acai Berry:

Studies and reviews have found the amazing health benefits of this small super fruit. It is packed with anti-oxidants, amino-acids, minerals and vitamins and omega fatty acids. These powerful nutrients add natural nutrition to the body and provide massive health benefits. The phytonutrients present in acai berry help in boosting enegy levels, metabolism, keeping the skin and hair healthy, promoting cardiovascual health and preventing frequent infection. Because of its miraculous health benefits, acai berry is considered as one of the top super foods.

A natural weight loss supplement that is prepared from acai extract and helps you shed those extra calories in the most natural and healthy way. The natural ingredients in Acai Berry work effectively to increase the body metabolism, promote oxidation of fat and provide essential nutrients to the body to sustain effects of diet and exercise.

What are the benefits of Acai Berry Supplement?

Pure Acai Berry Supplement
An Acai Berry supplement is not only a weight loss supplement but also a dietary supplement. It has many health benefits such as:
  1. It increases the body metabolism which helps in losing fat.
  2. It helps you fatigue and tiredness, boosts up your energy levels, making you active throughtout the day.
  3. It is a rich source of powerful nutrients that help the body in many ways.
  4. Achieving optimal weight and getting good nutrition brings a feel good factor, hence Acai Berry helps in promoting physical and mental well-being.
  5. It has high amounts of fibre that keeps you full and satisfied throughout the day and also helps in detoxification of the body. This aids in weight loss.

How to take Acai Berry Supplement?

Take two capsules in a day- One 20 minutes before breakfast and another one 20 minutes before lunch. Avoid taking Acai Berry supplement during the evening or night time as it may affect your sleep due to caffeine content in it.

Acai and weight loss may not be directly related to each other but when combined with right natural ingredients, acai berry weight loss supplement helps in losing weight.

How Food Addicts Can Stop Binge Eating For Good

Here are some helpful tips for those people who suffer from binge eating disorder:

1. Moderate Junk Food Habit: People who love junk foods will find it difficult to give up the habit of over eating. Junk food does not contain much nutrition and instead has empty calories. You need to eliminate this habit of junk food quickly.

However it is not easy to give up junk food so quickly. So what you can do is reduce the consumption of junk food. Slowly, step by step eliminate it from your diet.

Whenever you crave for junk food, eat only a little bit of it. This would satisfy your cravings and help you in fight further temptation. So instead of completely denying yourself just indulge a little bit but not further. Slowly step by step, you can then give up the habit.

2. Substitute: You are a food addict and cannot give up binge eating or snacking. I can understand that. So instead of fighting with yourself, you can adopt another simple strategy.

Substitute the snacks that you eat for something healthier. When you feel like eating cookies or chips, opt for carrots or cucumber instead. Keep fresh vegetables and fruits handy at your home.

Many times we just want to put something in our mouths to munch on. We don’t really care what we are eating. So if you eat fruits or vegetables, at least you will not be taking in lots of calories which are present in junk food.

Cucumbers, carrots, apple, banana, tomato, cabbage etc are good snack replacements to have. As with anything, initially you will find it difficult to make this change. But if you just keep up with it for a few days, you can successfully change your habit.

3. Be Watchful During Special Occasions: We become more vulnerable to indulge in binge eating during special occasions like functions, eating out with friends, holidays, vacations, weddings etc.

We usually drop our guard during such occasions because we are relaxed and in the mood to enjoy ourselves. Everybody around us is eating what they like and we too get tempted to do the same. It can be very difficult to control ourselves during such moments. So we need to be extra vigilant at these times.

I recommend taking a middle path here by allowing yourself to eat a little more than you normally would. At the same time, don’t go too far. As its a special occasion and you are in festive mood, don’t deny yourself the simple pleasure of eating. You cannot be as stern with yourself as during other times. The only thing to watch out for is to catch yourself before you have gone too far.

If you can successfully follow the above 3 simple tips, you can notice huge difference in your eating behavior in a very short span of time.